@nilam.farooq in @bunte_magazin @philipprathmer @kleinphotographen @anke_koppe @oliverrauh @michael.mua @nls.mllr @abousuede_samir @andreasdoria @ivr_isabelvollrath @susabeckfinejewellery
@nilam.farooq in @bunte_magazin @philipprathmer @kleinphotographen @anke_koppe @oliverrauh @michael.mua @nls.mllr @abousuede_samir @andreasdoria @ivr_isabelvollrath @susabeckfinejewellery

before the rain and during my run yesterday evening great athmosphere inspiration of course i got wet but singing in the rain helps keeping good mood isar munich healthy lifestyle instagood haveaniceday
before the rain and during my run yesterday evening great athmosphere inspiration of course i got wet but singing in the rain helps keeping good mood isar munich healthy lifestyle instagood haveaniceday

goodmorning have great monday start into a successful week goldsmith craftsmanship workshop atelier jewelery oneofakind handmade passion magnyfying glasses instajewelry instagood