finejewelry ring gold brass patina green freeform organic wearableart thumb sculpture atelier munich oneofakind handcrafted instajewelry jewelryaddict instagood haveaniceday
finejewelry ring gold brass patina green freeform organic wearableart thumb sculpture atelier munich oneofakind handcrafted instajewelry jewelryaddict instagood haveaniceday

finejewelry pendants whitegold colored bright diamonds inspired by classic music cello suites bach pure crystalclear sensual freeform timeless artsy atelier munich germany handcrafted oneofakind jewelrygram instajewelry instagood haveaniceday
finejewelry pendants whitegold colored bright diamonds inspired by classic music cello suites bach pure crystalclear sensual freeform timeless artsy atelier munich germany handcrafted oneofakind jewelrygram instajewelry instagood haveaniceday

finejewelry ring gold diamonds freeform organic flow light and shadow play sensual spirit glow wall fabrics atelier munich oneofakind handcrafted instajewelry instagood haveaniceday
finejewelry ring gold diamonds freeform organic flow light and shadow play sensual spirit glow wall fabrics atelier munich oneofakind handcrafted instajewelry instagood haveaniceday

finejewelry ring whitegold gemstone diamond drop plant splash nature organic freeform colorful fireworks powerful atelier munich oneofakind handcrafted instajewelry instagood haveaniceday
finejewelry ring whitegold gemstone diamond drop plant splash nature organic freeform colorful fireworks powerful atelier munich oneofakind handcrafted instajewelry instagood haveaniceday

ring silver gold pure clean statement combi thinkpink statement handcrafted freeform artsy atelier munich instajewelry instafashion instaart instagood haveaniceday
ring silver gold pure clean statement combi thinkpink statement handcrafted freeform artsy atelier munich instajewelry instafashion instaart instagood haveaniceday

finejewelry sculpture silver gold freeform sensual play for fingers worrystone warm cold smooth edge artsy art ring wearableart shine instaart instagood instajewelry haveaniceday
finejewelry sculpture silver gold freeform sensual play for fingers worrystone warm cold smooth edge artsy art ring wearableart shine instaart instagood instajewelry haveaniceday

finejewelry ring gold gemstone genesis nature freeform colorful luxury oneofakind atelier love my craft art instajewelry instagood video sculpture